
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Dressing up London

This is a slightly different post to normal as it doesn't have anything to do with clothes but obviously if you too visit this you should probably wear some... 

Plenty of graduates move to London in the hope of finding that dream job and even if you do it is still a pricey city to live in. Because of this agonizing fact I am always on the look out for fun and cheap things to keep myself occupied. 

Last week I took a trip to a street food market just off Brick Lane, very cool I know, and it didn't look like much (pretty much a car park) but the food and atmosphere was amazing. 

East London has long been the hang out of the capital's coolest but the food on offer is quite something, curry included of course! There is also some pretty good street art knocking about and having spent the last six weeks around Brick Lane I have snapped some of my faves! 

With the weather being so amazing recently I have also been lazing around in Greenwich Park, going to the park is an obvious cheap choice but Greenwich has lovely views and the lushest grass in London (the second bit may or may not be true). 

Maeve xoxo

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