
Saturday 17 September 2011

Dressing up, because there is nothing else to do


Now that the awkward greeting is over, welcome to my new blog 'dressing your way to the top'. Yes there will be many cliches and yes I am only a graduate freshly churned out of the university machine, but I still want to share my experiences during the soul destroying four months of job hunting which proceeded university.

I've decided to create this blog for us girls, freshly graduated, who had no guidance what so ever at university when it came to preparing for the future. Alongside my friends I will post tips and advice I have picked up, from 'dressing up your CV'  to 'dressing for your first day'. 

Now, I don't know about you, but once I graduated I felt that sudden surge of the university blues. It hits you hard and symptoms include watching Jezza Kyle daily, going through old photos from your 'fresher year' and spending all day on Facebook stalking everyone else's job hunting progress. 

Well...  ENOUGH!

Although it feels like no one is ever going to employ you and this recession is never going to end, there are still SOME jobs out there yours for the taking. You just have to make yourself stand out from the ever growing crowd of graduates. (tips on HOW to do this will come later, I'm just getting started)

For now, my tip is not to let yourself go and get annoyed hanging around the house, it's hard enough moving back in with your family as it is. Instead make yourself get up EARLY and get suited and heeled. Nothing is going to motivate you more then the sight of yourself looking like the ultimate City Slicker.

And although I haven't given any exact tips apart from GETTING UP, don't write of this blog just yet.

I'm just getting started...