
Friday 9 December 2011

Bag so Beautiful Review

Having perused the Bag so Beautiful 2011 winter collection on several occasions I jumped at the chance to review one of them. I went for this Gucci inspired black evening bag

Bag so Beautiful promises to provide on trend bags at a price everyone can afford and I was not disappointed. Retailing at £21.99 this bag is the ultimate mix of affordable, practical and pretty. I went for the black one, mainly so it will go with everything and because I didn’t actually have a black bag, but it also comes in brown and white. 

I am always doing something and I expect a lot from my bag, as it has to lug around pretty much everything bar the kitchen sink. I used my new Bag So Beautiful bag on a day I had work (in a busy pub) followed by university to ensure this bag can keep up.
Filled with my notebook, change of clothes, purse, iPod, book, make-up, phone...the bag was to be tested for a full ten hour day. It was sturdy enough to take the weight of my many necessary belongings but without compromising style, what more can a girl ask for? 

My favourite aspect of the bag was probably the multiple compartments it had, the inside was a lovely stripy pattern and there were several pockets which makes it easy for people with terrible organisational skills (me) to actually find their keys without searching for ten minutes on the doorstep... 

With Christmas around the corner Bag so Beautiful could be the perfect place to find gifts for your friends or family, failing that it is most definitely the only place to guarantee guilt-free shopping for you.  

I can honestly say this bag surpassed my expectations and for the price I cannot stress enough its value for money. Next on my list is the Mulberry inspired satchel, better add it to the Christmas list asap.

Friday 18 November 2011

Dressing up for an Internship

So graduation is now a distant memory and for those of you who have landed that dream job, well done, and I am not at all jealous or bitter. For the rest of us the time has come to get off the sofa and get some work experience.

Basically we all know internships are a great way to get experience and potential employers are looking to find some on your CV so I don’t need to lecture you about that. More importantly, to me anyway, is what to wear. After three months of wearing a onesie, as good as I felt I looked, it was a shock to the system to have to consider what to wear EVERYDAY for two entire months.

So here is my advice. Firstly, relax. Secondly, check the dress code. It literally is that simple.
Work is where, whether we like or not, we will be spending most of our time so we may as well look good whilst doing it.

Here are my top picks for smart to casual...

I have just finished my first taste of the world of internships and I was lucky, or unlucky, enough to be able to wear whatever I felt like on that particular day.  This, naturally, led to some early morning tantrums and an incredibly messy bedroom but anyway...

Just make the most of any experience you get and don’t be worried about asking questions etc. And have fun dressing up : )

Saturday 15 October 2011

Dressing up your CV

Hi girls,

It has definitely been a while since I last posted anything, purely out of nerves at the reaction I would get. So I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read the blog so far and told me what you think!

So onto the topic of discussion, how to 'dress up your CV'. Hopefully you have stopped watching Jezza Kyle and realised that he is not old enough to have gone through everything he claims to have survived.

I will start by assuring you that I am purely passing on this advice from Graduate Recruitment Specialists who have helped me and others I know secure jobs in their desired industries.

CURRICULUM VITAE: the most irritating piece of paper which is meant to reflect your potential. But makes you do this instead...

Do not fear, make it reflect you as you are because any employer would be lucky to have a willing graduate like yourself. 
Just do not exaggerate the truth.

Firstly, write out your name. Yes it sounds simple but when you are faced with a blank screen it can be very daunting to start typing anything. (Remember those terrifying 3500 word essays you managed to bang out in one night? How did that start? Mine always began with a sob after typing the word introduction)

Then write out a list of everything you have ever done. Split it up into Education, Extra Curricular, Work Experience, Volunteering etc. The information is then more accessible to you when putting together your CV and you will have surprised yourself at how much you have achieved and how unique all your experiences will make you as a candidate.

Next, write out your academic record in chronological order starting with your latest qualification. If it is a specific CV tailored to an industry such as law or auditing than I suggest writing out your module break downs. I know it is tempting, but DO NOT LIE. Employers will find out the truth and it is a permanent smear against your character if you tell an untruth. Be proud of whatever qualification you achieved, as contrary to popular belief, the majority of 18-24 year olds aren't university/college qualified at all.

Moving on, I tend to put down my work experience. Again if this is an industry focused CV than put down any work experience you have undertaken to give you a better understanding of the career you wish to pursue. If it is a general customer focused position you are after than list down any relevant work experience where you have had client contact, both paid and unpaid. Employers need to know that your going to make a positive impression with their customers/clients.

Always list down any extra skills you have, for example any I.T qualifications you have and your competency levels. (Not how good you are at Facebook stalking). As well as any positions of responsibility you have held  either at work, university or college. This shows both leadership and determination to get to the top.

Interests and activities: Okay, here is where employers really laugh at you. No matter what you say it is going to come across as cliche or weird. They know that most of us do not regularly 'go to the gym' or 'read The Financial Times' or 'The Economist', but if this is you then by all means put it down. If it isn't then BE HONEST because they will catch you out at an interview. If you can't recall the last thing you read in The Guardian or The FT then you might as well say your goodbyes because 'you are the weakest link'.

Finally, a quick note on the overall layout. Be spacious, do NOT go over 2, maximum 3 pages, and keep your font at a readable size 11 Times New Roman. DON'T try to be creative and put an unflattering border in or italicise/bold your font, it just makes it look too fussy.

Hope this has helped a little bit. 

Enjoy 'dressing up your CV's'.

The sooner you do, the sooner you can buy these beauties. 

Saturday 17 September 2011

Dressing up, because there is nothing else to do


Now that the awkward greeting is over, welcome to my new blog 'dressing your way to the top'. Yes there will be many cliches and yes I am only a graduate freshly churned out of the university machine, but I still want to share my experiences during the soul destroying four months of job hunting which proceeded university.

I've decided to create this blog for us girls, freshly graduated, who had no guidance what so ever at university when it came to preparing for the future. Alongside my friends I will post tips and advice I have picked up, from 'dressing up your CV'  to 'dressing for your first day'. 

Now, I don't know about you, but once I graduated I felt that sudden surge of the university blues. It hits you hard and symptoms include watching Jezza Kyle daily, going through old photos from your 'fresher year' and spending all day on Facebook stalking everyone else's job hunting progress. 

Well...  ENOUGH!

Although it feels like no one is ever going to employ you and this recession is never going to end, there are still SOME jobs out there yours for the taking. You just have to make yourself stand out from the ever growing crowd of graduates. (tips on HOW to do this will come later, I'm just getting started)

For now, my tip is not to let yourself go and get annoyed hanging around the house, it's hard enough moving back in with your family as it is. Instead make yourself get up EARLY and get suited and heeled. Nothing is going to motivate you more then the sight of yourself looking like the ultimate City Slicker.

And although I haven't given any exact tips apart from GETTING UP, don't write of this blog just yet.

I'm just getting started...